.. _options: Options ======= The following is a condensed list of options which can be passed to the daemon as explained in :ref:`passing_options`: .. note:: Default values are indicated in **bold**. ======================== ========================================================== =========================== Key Description Possible values ======================== ========================================================== =========================== blsctmix Enables participation in xNAV aggregation sessions **1**, 0 daemon Runs the node in the background 1, **0** dandelion Enables dandelion for transaction broadcast **1**, 0 debug Enables debugging all, or the debug category excludevote Marks staked blocks to be excluded from DAO quorums 1, **0** port Sets the P2P listen port printtoconsole Prints debug to console instead of debug.log rpcuser Sets the RPC username rpcpassword Sets the RPC password rpcport Sets the RPC port staking Enables or disables staking **1**, 0 testnet Switches between mainnet (0) or testnet (1) 1, **0** torserver Launches a TOR server together with the daemon **1**, 0 zapwallettxes Wipes out the wallet transactions and rescans the chain 2, 1, **0** ======================== ========================================================== ===========================